The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ Updated
The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ Updated
I know this sounds controversial, but I'll say it because it is true: everyone else's deal analysis spreadsheet for buying rental properties is wrong.
First, they don't take into account that you MUST have reserves to buy rental properties. A correct deal analysis spreadsheet will take into account both the return you earn on the reserves you need to set aside to prudently buy rentals and take those reserves into account when calculating your return on investment. The "investment" part of the "return on investment" calculation must include the reserves you need to set aside. The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ does this correctly.
Besides ignoring the fifth return... the one from reserves... hardly any deal analysis spreadsheets take into account the four areas of return: appreciation, debt paydown, Cash Flow from Depreciation™ and the one most do include... cash flow. The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ does look at all 5 areas of return.
If you happen to be in a market where it is difficult to cash flow with little or nothing down and you choose to put little or nothing down, you're likely to have negative cash flow. Negative cash flow is really deferred down payment... if you put more down, you could get rid of it. But sometimes investors choose to put little or nothing down and therefore choose to pay a deferred down payment (aka negative cash flow) over time. Well, if your spreadsheet does not correctly calculate you setting aside the cumulative negative cash flow you need to prudently, more conservatively make your investment... then it is not analyzing deals correctly. The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ does allow you to model setting aside your cumulative negative cash flow to analyze your low down and nothing down deals with deferred down payments correctly.
If your old deal analysis spreadsheet does not focus on return on equity... and more specifically your return on the equity you'd have net of all the expenses to access that equity like closing costs, real estate commissions, capital gains taxes, and depreciation recapture taxes... then it is not analyzing deals correctly. The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ does look at your return on equity... and specifically your return on True Net Equity™ and the cost to access that equity.
And if your deal analysis spreadsheet is useless after you acquire the property, it is doing it wrong. The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ allows you to update the returns you're earning on your property over time to track the performance of your deal.
Discover some of the updates we made to The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ in this mini-class.